Socially-Distanced Virtual Halloween Ideas

This post was originally shared in October 2020, and updated in October 2021.

Halloween 2021 may not be as spooky as 2020, but with social distancing and safety precautions still in effect in some places, community leaders, event organizers, and parents are still having to get creative.

Traditional Halloween events, parties and trick-or-treating celebrations might look a little different, but we're all for a creative celebration! We’ve put together a few tips and tricks for remote, socially distanced ways to enjoy Halloween this year...

Use Virtual Platforms

We can’t say this enough, but virtual platforms have been exceptionally helpful in navigating life post-covid and can be a great way to feel social this Halloween. You can use Zoom, Facetime, HouseParty, or any other similar app to coordinate Halloween festivities from your own home. There are even some escape room sites that allow for a virtual escape room experience with multiple people, which would be a really unique way to “get together” on Halloween. Our GooseChase app is a great Halloween option as well, allowing you to plan a digital scavenger hunt with family and friends from the comfort of home.

Engage with competition

Competition is a fun way to get people excited about engaging remotely. You can try arranging a pumpkin carving or painting contest, award people for best costume (some awesome ideas for 2021 HERE), compete on who has the best Halloween decor and more. Due to the influx of remote apps, setting up and joining virtual games can be super user-friendly. Optimizing event attendees' virtual experiences was why we introduced join by guest to the GooseChase platform, and something we recommend all organizers keep in mind when they plan a virtual event.

Involve friends and family

Just because we can’t be with our friends and family physically, doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy their company. For parents looking for something for the kids to do this Halloween, or just looking to celebrate with others, bringing friends into the fun can make your Halloween seem a little more normal. You can coordinate a costume party online, have decorating parties and play virtual games setup in teams. We’ve made this even easier for you by creating a remote GooseChase game with special Halloween missions below that you can download to the app and share with friends. You can set up a game and compete with the other families in your neighborhood in lieu of trick-or-treating and award candy to the winner.

Remote Halloween Scavenger Hunt Missions:

Click the button below to add these missions directly to your game.

Oh My Gourd (PHOTO) - Put your carving skills to the test by submitting your best pumpkin art. Bonus points go to the winner of the most creative carving

Dress it Up (PHOTO) - Dress up as a character from your favorite Halloween movie. Get your family involved in a group costume for extra points

Spooky Fort (PHOTO) - Since you might not be able to make it to a haunted house this year, make your best spooky fort at home.

SkeleFUN (PHOTO) - Get a pic of the creepiest skeleton decorations in your neighborhood

PUN-KING (PHOTO) - Find the biggest pumpkin in your neighborhood

Pawsome Costumes (PHOTO) - Bring your pet into the game and dress them up in a fun costume

Bust a Move (VIDEO) - Get a video of the family doing the Monster Mash! Bonus points if you’re dressed up as a monster

MASK-erade (PHOTO) - Celebrate Halloween all month long by decorating your protective face mask in the spooky spirit

Patch Kids (GPS) - Visit a local pumpkin patch and choose your favorite pumpkin to bring home and decorate

Escape Reality (TEXT) - Put your family to the test with a virtual escape room and upload your results.

Halloween can still be the super fun holiday it always has been full of candy, pumpkins and costumes, with just a few virtual tweaks. Try embracing remote platforms and getting your family and friends involved for a unique and spooky Halloween night!

What is GooseChase?

GooseChase is an online platform that helps organizers create and run digital scavenger hunt experiences for team building, learning, public engagement, or a variety of other events. Sign up and try creating a free recreational game, or contact us to learn more about our enterprise solutions!