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Lesson Title: Literacy in Motion Scavenger Hunt

K-12 Educators Sep 5, 2024

Welcome to an engaging and interactive vocabulary lesson designed to make learning new words fun and memorable for literacy students!

In this lesson, we combine physical movement and critical thinking skills while students take part in unique vocabulary games involving a scavenger hunt and charades!

Combining movement with learning is a powerful approach to teaching that enhances student engagement, retention, and overall understanding. By incorporating movement into lessons, we create a dynamic learning environment that caters to diverse learning styles.

Observe and assess your students’ creativity and collaboration skills while they enhance their vocabulary and have a blast while they're at it!

Grade: 6 - 8

Subject: English Language Arts


  • During this lesson, students will: 
    • Learn, understand, and use new vocabulary words
    • Collaborate and communicate effectively
    • Engage in physical activity to reinforce learning
    • Document their learning using the Goosechase app


  • Mobile devices with the Goosechase app downloaded (one per team).
  • List of Missions (created beforehand in the Goosechase app)
  • Prizes for the winning team (optional).
  • List of vocabulary words (aligned with the current curriculum)
  • Index cards
  • Markers
  • Timer


  • Create an Experience on the Goosechase app with Missions related to each new vocabulary word you want students to learn
  • Develop Missions that require students to learn and understand the new vocabulary words.  Example Missions:
    • Word Hunt - Find an object in the classroom or around the school that represents one of the vocabulary words. Take a photo of the object and explain in the caption how it relates to the word.
    • Vocabulary Art - Draw or create a visual representation of one of the vocabulary words. Take a photo of your artwork and include the word in the picture.
    • Sentence Snapshot - Write a sentence using a vocabulary word and take a picture of it.
  • Find more example Missions in the Goosechase Templates below. 
  • Run your Experience during one class period or for the entire week.
  • Find example Missions in the Goosechase Templates below. 
Try using our free, AI-powered Mission Generator for ideas!
  • Run your Experience during one class period or for the entire week.
  • Adapt the difficulty of the Missions based on the proficiency levels of your students to keep the activity inclusive and engaging for everyone.
  • Prepare hints or resources that might help students solve the Missions if needed.
  • Divide students into teams and assign each team a mobile device with the app, or have students complete the scavenger hunt individually.
  • App Set-Up 
    • Dedicate time to ensuring all students have the Goosechase app downloaded and joined to the Experience to avoid any tech issues.
Share this link with students to easily download the app!

Lesson Plan Outline:

  • Introduction 
    • Tell students that they are taking the lead in their learning adventure today!
    • Provide students with a list of the new vocabulary words they are going to learn, using a Goosechase Experience to help them discover what the vocabulary words mean! 
      • Through the Goosechase, have students use various resources (dictionaries, internet, context clues, etc.) to find the meanings of the new vocabulary words. 
      • Alternatively, brainstorm with students what they think these words may mean 
      • Another option is to have students write their answers on sticky notes, make a mind map, or record answers in an alternative method 
    • Introduce the Goosechase Scavenger as a fun and interactive way to demonstrate their learning
  • Goosechase Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt 
    • Briefly demonstrate how to use the Goosechase app.
    • Go over the rules and expectations for the scavenger hunt, including safety guidelines and respect for school property.
    • Read through Missions with students, emphasizing the importance of evidence and analysis in their responses.
    • Monitor progress and provide assistance as necessary.
    • If working in teams, encourage them to strategize and collaborate to solve the Missions.
    • Sit back and enjoy watching your students collaborate and demonstrate their learning. 
    • After students are introduced to the vocabulary words, it’s time to solidify that knowledge through a fun game of educational charades. 
  • Vocabulary Charades:
    • Now that students are familiar with the vocabulary words, extend their understanding with another fun activity
    • Divide the class into small groups (4-5 students per group).
    • Each group takes turns drawing a card and acting out the vocabulary word without speaking.
    • The rest of the group tries to guess the word within a set time (1-2 minutes per word).
    • Rotate the acting role within each group to ensure every student has a turn.
  • Debrief and Reflection 
    • Gather students and discuss their experiences with both activities.
    • Ask students to share their favorite charades performances and their most creative Goosechase submissions.
    • Reflect on how the activities helped reinforce their understanding of the vocabulary words.

Optional Post-Experience Activities:

  • Written Reflection
    • Have students write a short story or paragraph using all the vocabulary words from the lesson.
  • Interactive Workshop 
    • Conduct a follow-up activity where students create their own charades or Goosechase Missions for new vocabulary words.


  • Observe students' participation and collaboration during the charades and Goosechase activities.
  • Review the submissions in the Goosechase app to assess understanding and correct use of vocabulary words.

Ready Made Experience Templates to Try

Creative ELA Vocabulary

K-12 students will have fun with this English vocabulary review. Students visually represent the word(s) with a photo. Photos must have word(s) and at least 1 student. Creativity & props recommended!

Get your own copy!

"Dict" Vocabulary

Perfect for English or Language class, K-12 students act out, explain, or submit a photo, video, or text describing the specific "dict" word in the mission.

Get your own copy!

Vocabulary Review

In this vocabulary and language Experience, students complete Missions to act out, explain, or submit a photo describing the specified piece of vocabulary.

Get your own copy!

Want a copy of this lesson plan to use with your class?

What is Goosechase EDU?

Goosechase is an online platform that helps educators create and run interactive learning experiences in their classrooms and beyond. Sign up and try creating an Experience, or contact us to learn more about our school and district-wide solutions!


Rebecca Everson

Goosechase EDU Ambassador Program Manager & K-6 Teacher