an illustration of a robot goose sitting in front of a laptop creating missions for a Goosechase Experience

Goosechase Mission Generator

Unleash the power of play!

Designed for creators, educators, and innovators alike, the Goosechase Mission Generator is your secret ingredient to crafting unforgettable interactive experiences. Whether you're sparking engagement in a corporate L&D program, driving excitement in a classroom learning activity, or amplifying the fun in fundraising events, our generator is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

How to Use the Goosechase Mission Generator

Simply input your experience's theme, identify your audience, select the type of Missions you desire (photo, video, or text), and decide on the number of Missions (up to 10) you'd like to create. From educational quests that bring history to life for students, to creative corporate challenges that foster teamwork and camaraderie, the Mission Generator seamlessly blends fun with function.

See examples on how you could use the Generator below.

Once you've generated your Missions, simply copy and paste them into your Goosechase Experience. It's easy—sign-up for a free account if you don't already have one, add your missions one by one under the ‘Missions’ section, and voilà! Need any help? Please feel free to contact our amazing support team.

It’s time to transform your next event into an engaging, interactive adventure that your participants will talk about long after it's over. Ready to create experiences that resonate, educate, and exhilarate? Let the Goosechase Mission Generator kickstart your journey to more meaningful and playful engagement today!

Examples of How to Use the Goosechase Mission Generator

Creating an Experience for an upcoming school open-house? Your inputs could look like this.

Tell us about your interactive Experience: school-open house for an elementary school in Richmond, Virginia. Who is participating? parents and K-8 students.

Creating an Experience for a wellness program in your office? Your inputs could look like this.

Tell us about your interactive Experiene: a 6 week long wellness program promoting work-life balance, healthy eating and active lifestyle. Who is participating? 250 colleagues across all functional departments

Creating an Experience for visitors to your local Natural History Museum? Your inputs could look like this.

Tell us about your interactive Experience? an experience that promotes better engagement and knowledge retention for young visitors of our natural history museum. Who is participating? museum visitors from ages 5 to 12.


By using the generator, you acknowledge that Goosechase is not liable for any harm, damage, or loss resulting from the use of recommended missions. For assistance, please contact us.