Using Goosechase Throughout the School Year
As administrators, teachers, librarians and instructional technologists, you know all the ways that integrating active learning can improve a student’s learning experience. Goosechase can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your specific role in your school. Whether to enhance and evaluate student understanding, to get students up and moving while learning, or to increase staff engagement during PD days, Goosechase can help you facilitate activities that achieve your active learning goals.
Have you ever wondered how else you could incorporate a scavenger hunt? We’re here to help out in that area! The school year is filled with holidays and breaks that make incorporating Goosechase outside of the curriculum a great opportunity. We’ve outlined what a year with Goosechase could look like in your school!
If you’re using Goosechase to run your event, you can click the blue buttons below to add these missions to your account as a duplicate game. Still planning your scavenger hunts on paper? Take a look at our How It Works page to see how easy it is to get started on Goosechase!
Back to School: August - October
The beginning of the school year is an exciting time for both students and staff. While teachers and administrators are getting their classrooms and school set up, students are enjoying their last days of summer break before entering a brand new year. Excited to see their students’ smiling faces, teachers are eager to start the year off on the right foot!
Facilitating a Goosechase game during this time can be beneficial in so many different ways! Administrators can send their staff members on a Goosechase during their Professional Development Days prior to the first day of school. Our “Welcome Back PD” Game is the perfect game to engage your staff in professional development and is a great way to promote a sense of community among staff.
Staff aren’t the only ones who can benefit from taking part in a scavenger hunt during the first few weeks of school! Send your students on a hunt to get to know the different areas of the buildings, learn more about their peers, or just to have some beginning of the year fun! Our Back to School Kick-Off game is perfect for this!

Welcome Back PD!
Kick off a meeting or PD day with this game and allow staff to reconnect with each other and build school pride. Customize the game by including trivia only your school and staff will know!
Best for: Teachers
Subject: Back to School

Back to School Kick-Off
Throughout the first week back to school, you will find new missions to complete! Keep checking back for new ones and keep earning points!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: All
Subject: Back to School
Holiday Frenzy: November - December
The school year has been taking off and you're right back into the groove of your school schedule! Why not spice things up and send students on a scavenger hunt mid-semester? Get students familiar with their school library and send them on a Reading Challenge! Of course students love all the holidays – Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! Have some fun together learning about the history of Thanksgiving or take it easy the week before Christmas to wind down before the break!

Library Exploration Hunt!
Let's learn about our school Library through these fun missions!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: K - 12
Subject: Literacy

Thanksgiving Trivia
Complete these "trivia style" missions to learn more about Thanksgiving!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: All
Subject: Holidays

Christmas Scavenger Hunt
Use this scavenger hunt full of fun missions to celebrate the Christmas season with your class, families, or groups.
Best for: Students
Grade Level: K - 12
Subject: Holidays & Special Events
Halfway There: January - March
The holidays are over and you’re getting back into the swing of things, getting student’s up and out of their seats. Welcome your staff back with a fresh icebreaker game and have students tackle their course syllabus through the following interactive scavenger hunts. Before you know it, you’re winding down again for Spring Break! You may ask yourself, how do I engage my students while they are “checking out” and entering “vacation mode”? Send students on the Spring Break LockDown Challenge to keep them engaged over the break!

Staff Icebreaker!
Relax! We're all crazy...It's not a competition! Complete these missions with your team to gain points while getting to know the rest of your staff! Seriously though, get your game face on.
Best for: Teachers
Subject: Back to School

Syllabus Scavenger Hunt
Complete these missions based on the syllabus to earn points!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Subject: Back to School

Spring Break LockDown Challenge
Looking to have some fun on Spring Break even though you're locked down? Complete these fun missions to pass the time and earn points!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: 4 - 12
End of the Year Wrap Up: April - May
It's unbelievable how fast the school year flies by! Before you know it, you're only a few weeks away from the end of the year. Before we say goodbye to our students, we have to wrap up some curriculum content. We’ve included a great example of an end of the year Science game to review concepts learned over the semester, similar games can be created with any other subject.
Now we can celebrate the end of the school year with students! It’s a testament to all the work they have done and everything they have learned and accomplished in the previous 10 months. Make your celebration scavenger hunt one for the ages to help wrap up the amazing year!

End of Year Science Challenge
Take some time at the end of 7th grade to review some of the Science concepts we learned! Earn points and have fun at the same time!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Subject: Science

School's Out For Summer!
Have fun saying good bye to school and hello to summer! Complete these missions as a team to earn points!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: K - 12

Time to Celebrate!
Complete these missions with your students to celebrate the end of a year!
Best for: Students
Grade Level: 3 - 12
Subject: End of Year Celebration
Let’s not forget the students still need to keep learning! Wondering if your students remember what they learned last year? Curious to see if they are retaining what you are teaching? Run a scavenger hunt as a diagnostic assessment, to supplement your instruction, or to evaluate student knowledge of a subject!
What is Goosechase?
Goosechase is an online platform that helps educators create and run digital scavenger hunt learning experiences in their classroom and beyond. Sign up and try creating a game, or contact us to learn more about our school and district-wide solutions!