Joining a Goosechase Game by Code
In an effort to make it easier to join a game, it's now possible to locate and join a Goosechase game by entering that game's unique game code.
With the release of Join by Code, a participant can be fast-tracked into a game by entering the game's code - no need to search by name and scroll through the results. In the example shown below, the participant is joining a staff team building game. The organizer has provided them with the game code, which in this case, is "ZJJ4X2".

As an organizer, you'll find your game's code in the bottom left corner of the Experience Manager (as shown below). This code is unique to your game, is generated when the game is first created, and is not case sensitive.

It's important to point out, a game code does not replace a game password. Having a game password (and/or team access codes) is still the most secure way to make sure only participants with that information can access the game.
We added Join by Code based directly on feedback from our users - we heard loud and clear that we needed to simplify how participants join a game. We're hoping we've taken some big steps towards this by:
- Reducing the time a participant spends searching for their game (no more typing out game names or scrolling through results!).
- Eliminate confusion about what game a participant should be joining. With more and more Goosechase games everyday, it's easy for multiple games to look alike (and with Join by Code, you block out all the games that aren't yours).
We hope you find our Join by Code option a great addition to Goosechase! Visit the Goosechase FAQ in order to learn more about how to organize a game!
We'd love to hear what you think - feel free to mention us on Twitter, Facebook, or shoot us an email!
What is Goosechase?
Goosechase is an online platform that helps organizers create and run digital scavenger hunt experiences for team building, learning, public engagement, or a variety of other events. Sign up and try creating a free recreational game, or contact us to learn more about our enterprise solutions!