Lesson Title: Aquarium Field Trip Adventure

Get ready to dive into an unforgettable adventure at the local aquarium! This lesson plan is designed to take your students beyond the traditional field trip tour and into the mesmerizing world of marine life at the local aquarium.

Building on their classroom knowledge of animals, habitats, and conservation, this field trip activity offers hands-on exploration and a dynamic scavenger hunt that will encourage exploration, inspire purpose, and deepen their understanding of the natural world.

Use this lesson plan to guide your students as they discover the wonders of the ocean and the importance of protecting it!

Helpful honk: The Goosechase app is also a great way to get your students in formation on your trip! Include Missions that get them to check in on time at your meeting location, take a photo with their seat buddy on the bus ride back, or even write out a note about what they learned that you can share with parents afterwards. 

Grade: 4 - 10

Subject: Science, Environmental Studies, Conservation


  • During this lesson, students will: 
    • Identify and describe various aquatic animals and their habitats.
    • Explain the diet and hibernation patterns of selected animals.
    • Understand the importance of conservation efforts to protect aquatic environments.
    • Apply knowledge from the classroom to real-world observations at the Aquarium.
    • Collaborate with peers to complete challenges during the Goosechase Experience.


  • Mobile devices with the Goosechase app downloaded
  • List of Missions (created beforehand in the Goosechase app)
  • Prizes for the winning team (optional)
  • Notebook and pencil for each student
  • Aquarium map (provided by the Aquarium)
  • Pre-printed worksheets on animal habitats, diets, and conservation (optional)

In Class-Preparation:

  • Introduction to the Aquarium
    • Introduce the students to the types of animals they will encounter, their habitats, and interesting facts. Use videos, presentations, and discussions.
    • Discuss the importance of aquariums in conservation efforts, endangered species, and how each person can contribute to conservation.
    • Ask students which aquatic animals they are most looking forward to learning about
  • Overview
    • Discuss the learning objectives for the visit. 
    • Introduce the Goosechase Experience as a fun and interactive way to learn and explore.
  • Review Activity 
    • Review key concepts learned in class, including specific examples of aquatic animals and their characteristics.
    • Discussion Questions:
      • What are the key features of aquatic habitats?
      • How do different animals adapt to their environments?
      • Why is conservation important?
  • Aquatic Animal Research
    • Assign each student or group an aquatic animal to research before the visit. 
    • Ask them to brainstorm questions they still have and will attempt to answer during their visit.
  • Create an Experience on the Goosechase app with a series of aquatic animal-related missions. Ideas include:
    • Find the shark exhibit and take a group photo in front of the tank. Bonus points if you can capture a shark in the background!
    • Record a short video explaining the diet of one of the animals you see being fed by the Aquarium staff. Include what they eat and how they hunt or forage for food.
    • Find an exhibit that highlights a conservation effort. Take a photo and write a short description of the conservation project and why it's important.
    •  Find the most unusual creature in the Aquarium. Take a picture and describe why it’s unique, including any special adaptations or behaviors.
  • Find example Missions in the Goosechase Templates below. 
Try using our free, AI-powered Mission Generator for ideas!
  • App Set Up 
    • Dedicate time to ensuring all students have the Goosechase app downloaded and have joined your Experience to avoid any tech issues the morning of your visit.
Share this link with students to easily download the app!

Aquarium Visit and Scavenger Hunt 

  • Upon Arrival at the Aquarium:
    • Gather students for a brief orientation. 
    • Review the day's schedule, map out the various exhibits to visit
    • Review safety guidelines and discuss expected behavior.
    • Encourage students to ask questions to the staff and take advantage of any educational resources offered.
  • Scavenger Hunt Exploration
    • Students explore the aquarium in their teams, completing various tasks and challenges related to the animals. 
    • Encourage students to use their observation skills to find specific species, answer questions, and complete tasks on the Goosechase mission list.
    • Emphasize the significance of teamwork and cooperation during the scavenger hunt.
    • Documentation of student observations are recorded within the Goosechase app and automatically saved to their camera roll. 
  • Debrief and Reflection 
    • Gather students to discuss their experiences. Highlight their observations, interesting facts learned, favorite moments, and reflections on conservation.
    • Have students complete a reflection worksheet that includes what they learned, their favorite part of the visit, and any questions they still have.

Optional Post-Experience Activities:

  • Individual Creative Project 
    • Students create a poster, video, or digital presentation about an aquatic animal or conservation issue. Projects should highlight what students learned and suggest ways to promote conservation efforts. Students can present their projects to the class or at a school-wide event if desired.
  • Group Project 
    • In small groups, students research a conservation project or an endangered aquatic species. Each group will present their findings to the class. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing aquatic environments and the efforts to protect them.
  • Written Reflection
    • Students share what they learned, their favorite parts of the trip, and any new insights gained.
    • Prompting Questions:
      • How did the field trip enhance your understanding of aquatic environments?
      • What did you find most surprising or interesting at the Aquarium?
      • How can we apply what we’ve learned to help protect aquatic environments?


  • Participation in Goosechase Experience - Assess student engagement and teamwork during the scavenger hunt.
  • Classroom Discussion Contributions - Evaluate students' ability to articulate their understanding of the topics covered.
  • Assess the depth of knowledge and creativity in their creative project, group project or written reflection.

Ready Made Experience Templates to Try

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Spend your field trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium by exploring and learning about all the different species in the Aquarium!

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