Goosechase Community Cup 2020

With the rise of social isolation measures being taken around the world recently, we know there are many people feeling various levels of stir-crazy, anxious and alone right now. While we at Goosechase can’t solve the health crisis, we would like to do what we can to help generate a sense of community and optimism around the world, and make life indoors a bit more bearable for those in our network.

Doing what we’re best at, we’ve created a free, public community Goosechase game open to anyone. This game focuses on fun & quirky "missions" we can all complete from home; our hope is to help keep each other fit, creative, distracted, and laughing during this time. We hope it becomes a fun way for people to stay connected and recover a sense of community.

If you'd like to participate, download the Goosechase app and join with game code GOOSECUP.

Take a look at some of the day 1 highlights to see what participants are submitting while confined to their respective hideouts!

The game will run until April 3rd, with new missions & updates being added daily. Hope to see everyone there!

If you're new to our platform, the video below will explain what we're all about.

What is Goosechase?