Educator Plus Upgrades Free for Teachers During School Shutdown

In 2020, during the initial months of the pandemic period, the Goosechase team monitored the COVID-19 developments along with the rest of the world, as an increasing number of schools announced shutdowns in a continuing effort to combat the spread of the virus.

In support of teachers, within our community and beyond, we offered over 5000 free-of-charge upgrades to the Educator Plus tier of the Goosechase EDU platform until September 1, 2020.

Thank you to all the teachers who were dedicated to keeping their students engaged and learning from home.

We welcome new educators discovering Goosechase EDU for the first time to join the Facebook Educators Community, where creative teachers are already busy collaborating on mission ideas to keep students engaged at home.

The EDU Game Library also contains thousands of mission ideas that can be added to your virtual games. Our developers have added filters for games that are Indoor, Playable Individually, and Playable Virtually – in order to better assist teachers seeking options to create their play-from-home games.

We implore all teachers planning to use Goosechase during this period to be cognizant of social distancing or quarantine procedures in effect within their students’ local communities, and stress the importance of passing on appropriate rules and guidelines following the official advisories set out by local authorities to both parents and students BEFORE instructing students to participate in created Goosechase games.

Thank you to all the teachers who are tirelessly working to seek alternative options to keep their students engaged during this uncertain time.

What is Goosechase?

GooseChase is an online alternative learning platform that helps teachers and administrators create and run digital scavenger hunt experiences. Sign up and try creating a free trial game, or contact us to learn more about our school and disctrict-wide license options!