Computational Thinking Solutions from the EdTech Field

Goosechase COO Phil Everson joins Kimberly Wright on Discovery Education's latest Ignite My Future in School Webisode series

Along with two other leaders in EdTech; Diana Gettman Flores from You CAN Do the Rubik's Cube and Jussi Kajala from 3D Bear; the panel examines the skills developed by computational thinking, and discuss the importance of integrating computational thinking in education to prepare students for the growing number of careers that will require it when they enter the workforce.

This is a must-watch webisode for educators! Check it out here!

What is Goosechase?

Goosechase is an online platform that helps organizers create and run digital scavenger hunt experiences for team building, learning, public engagement, or a variety of other events. Sign up and try creating a free recreational game, or contact us to learn more about our enterprise solutions!